Reflection for Fourth Sunday of Easter

On this Good Shepherd Sunday we are presented with the image of Jesus as the gate, not simply as good Shepherd. Through the gate the flock is led to green pastures in the morning and to safe shelter at night. This was the role that Jesus named for himself. He is the gate by which all the faithful can enter eternal life. We are moved to reflect upon leadership today as we hear Peter’s proclaim the Good News with such boldness that many came to know Jesus and to be baptized. There is no disputing the fact that Peter was a great leader. Faced with the inner pain and embarrassment of his denial, and surrounded by many who doubted Christ’s resurrection, Peter embraced the newness of life in the spirit coming at Pentecost.
As a good leader, Peter proclaimed the Good News of Christ with great perceptivity. Peter carefully persuaded his audience with the words of the prophets and references to King David as he taught the people about Jesus. Peter knew the Lord and the forgiveness he extended to sinners, his testimony was powerful. Touched to the heart , many of his listeners chose to receive baptism and the promise of eternal life through the gate who is Christ.
As our Easter journey reaches its mid-point, may we be inspired by Peter’s leadership. Through our Baptism, we are called to live as followers in the ways of Christ. We must carefully consider our own example and the invitation we extend to others. When we repent of our sins we have committed, when we choose to be directed by the words of Sacred Scripture and the Sacraments of the Church, we are led to greater love for the Lord and to deeper faith. It is only then that we can point out the way for others to know Jesus. We long to have life in abundance through Christ, who is our gate. We hope to be a clear sign of Christ’s love toward those around us that many others may also know and love him.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
May God bless you all
Fr. Dominic
Your brother in Christ !