Reflection for Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

The call to married life is a call to holiness in the very image and likeness of God. We are told that ” God is one but not solitary ” and in the weeding Mass we pray that husband and wife will be ” no longer two but one flesh.” The Genesis story of creation shows a caring God who recognizes the need for human companionship, one capable of sharing the hopes and fears, and the sorrows and joys of another. And so God creates a partner for a man, from the side of man God creates woman.
However,in marriage, we know that both partners bring their own uniqueness to a relationship. Each has been touched by the goodness as well as the sin of the world. A relationship as forgiveness, and constant reconciliation. To achieve such a relationship, partners must learn to die to self, and live for the other. And both must learn to listen for God’s voice in the events of their lives. The power of the sacramental life if marriage must not be neglected.
But aren’t all of these things the foundation of every relationship? The mutual affection between parents and children, the quiet understanding between friends or the loving acceptance of our neighbor, all require love , trust, and forgiveness. Love, in the image of God, must be unconditional, and only with God’s help can we hope to arrive at that kind of love. In the Sacramental life of marriage we have that added help: the power of Sacrament is there for the asking, to call upon whenever needed. We call that Sacramental power grace.
In Baptism, we are called to live a spiritual life which is strengthened and nourished by the Sacraments give to us by Jesus, through the Church. Each Sacrament imparts its own spiritual power to help us overcome the temptations of the world, but we must remember to call on that power. It is through the presence of Jesus in the Sacraments, and the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, that we live out our call to a Sacramental life. Perhaps it is time to remember the help that is ours, not only in the waters of baptism, but also in the food of the Eucharist, the power of forgiveness, and in all the Sacraments. This help is there for us as we seek answers to problems in our relationships and we pray for peace within all families.
Also, this month is the month of the Rosary !pope Pius V established the Feast of the Holy Rosary following the victory of the Christian fleet over the Turks, at the City of Lapanto, Greece, October 7, 1571. The Christians attributed their victory to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the faithful prayed the Rosary. Down through the ages, Christians have experienced the power of this prayer .
The Mysteries of the Rosary celebrate the glorious, joyful and sorrowful events in the life of Christ. In an apostolic letter of October 2002 . Pope John Paul II added another the set of mysteries to this already powerful prayer. He called these the Luminous Mysteries or the Mysteries of Light. The Rosary remains the most popular non- liturgical devotion of Catholic. So, let this month is special month for our parish, let us pray the Rosary together, let us pray for ourselves, our family, our parish, pray for the end of the Covid…..
May God bless you all !
Fr. Dominic
Your brother in Christ