Reflection for the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord Jesus

Merry Christmas to you all! May the light of this Christmas Day and the hope of this Newborn King shine in your hearts today and always, and may it drive out all that threatens to separate you from God or block your vision of salvation.
A lullaby is defined as a song for lullaby a baby to sleep – a cradlesong. The most famous lullaby of all time has to be Silent Night. With a soothing sound so characteristic of lullabies, Silent Night tenderly describes that quiet peaceful night centuries ago when Jesus Christ was born.
Jesus, the love of God in the flesh, comes to us in human form, in the most accessible and inviting of human forms, that of an infant. Who is more approachable than an infant?He comes to us as Savior, the very meaning of his name. The angel said to Joseph, ” you are to name him Jesus, because he will serve his people from their sins “( Mt1:21). He comes to us as Emmanuel – God with us. The infant Jesus whose birth we celebrate is God-incarnate, God in the flesh, God who comes as one of us.
My sisters and brothers, Jesus is one of us. He is with us ! Jesus is with us in our work, with us in our families, with nuns in his Word, his Church, his Sacraments. He is with us in joyful celebrations and in hard times, in our successes and our failures, in sickness and health, poverty and plenty. Jesu is with us as one of us, truly human, and as Emmanuel – God with us.
Like the Shepherds, we are to be heralds of the Good News. Like them, we are called to ponder, to see and to believe. Our lives , live in faith, should inspire others to se the difference which Jesus. God’s incarnate love, makes. Our hope in Him should sustain us and be a source of strength and encouragement to others. Our love must bear witness to the difference Jesus makes in human lives and real – in the sharing and caring. Warm smile, joyful eyes, and generous reaching out to others which characterize this season.
This difference happens because love became incarnate and dwell among us, transforming hearts and live. He dwells among us yet. We have every reason to be joyful, to sing Joy to the world. Comes Let Us Adore Him, and Good Christian Men ( and Women) Rejoice. Our live and those of all humans are forever different because of the love of Jesus who did not cling to the glory that was his as God, but became like us in all things but sin.
Again, it is all here, in this very place, in this very moment, for you and for me ! We wish you and yours a joyous and Holy Christmas!
Fr. Dominic
Your brother in Christ,