Reflection for Third Sunday of Easter Year C 2022

Throughout history there have been many who have committed civil disobedience in protest against laws which were against the laws of God. Our faith teaches us that an informed conscience is our highest guide. There are people willing to go to prison rather than go against all that Jesus taught as moral truth.
We hear Peter and Apostles were brought before the court of the high priest because they continued to teach in the name of Jesus despite being ordered not to do so. They were willing to suffer for the sake of the teaching of Jesus.
In today’s Gospel, we hear how Jesus revealed himself to the disciples. Simon Peter and a number of The disciples were out fishing all night, yet, they had caught nothing. Directed by Jesus they cast their net one more time, and this time it is filled with fish.
A vey large catch of fish is only part of the Gospel message today. More important is the conversation between Jesus and Peter. There times Jesus asks Peter , “Do you love me?” When Peter answers affirmatively, Jesus directs him to cherish and guide people given to his care. In the years to come, God’s power will show through Peter in various ways and his death will give glory to God. Peter would begin to glorify God by preaching the message of Jesus and would suffer for it through whippings, imprisonment, and other forms of torture.
We must realize that God is in control of all things and surrender completely to God in our own life. Jesus Christ has already won the victory for us by his own n death and resurrection. It up to us to give our
lives to God by our willingness to stand up for what is right, even when it is not popular. Let us be willing to sacrifice our lives for God who have us his Son, Jesus Christ, as an offering for our sins. Like Peter, may we be willing to rejoice when we suffer ill treatment for the sake of the name of Jesus. After all, it is Jesus who has brought us salvation !
God bless you all
Fr. Dominic
Your brother in Christ