Reflection for Easter Sunday – the Resurrection of The Lord – Solemnity Year A 2023

The people who became disciples of Jesus sincerely believed he was the promised Messiah, the one who would restore Israel and bring salvation to the world. Jesus had taught his disciples at length that he would have to suffer, die and then rise from the dead to accomplish the saving mission his Father had sent him to fulfill. Nevertheless, the disciples had a hard time accepting and understanding these realities and concepts. They did not want to see their beloved teacher suffer and die.

       The waters were muddled even more for the disciples when Jesus was put to death upon a cross. In the midst of grief, shock and confusion, the disciples of Jesus must have wondered what would come next. But by the news they received in that first Easter Sunday morning- the news of the empty tomb – which gave them reason to hope that all was not lost. And even more when the Risen Lord Jesus  appeared to them in person.

          The the course of a few day, the mourning of the disciples was transformed into rejoicing. This rejoicing brought not only a lightness of hearts, but a whole change in the way they viewed God, life, the world and themselves. Experiencing the Resurrection of Jesus firsthand taught the disciples that Jesus had defeated the power of sin and death, and that eternal life with God was available to them.

The actions and experiences of the early disciples of Jesus, have some important implications got our lives. First, the Resurrection of Jesus offers hope to believers. If we persevere in faith, we will one day enjoy eternal life, hope and healing to us in the here and now  of our lives on earth.

                This is so because the power of the Risen Lord Jesus is not confined to some distant  place in heaven, but is with us now, through the presence of the Holy Spirit. The first step in being transformed by Jesus is to open our hearts to the grace of the Holy Spirit. The next step is to cooperate with the prompting and movement of the Holy Spirit, for it is in choosing to be faithful to God’s plan for our lives that the blessing s of peace and joy become ours.

          Finally, the Resurrection reminds us that there are no defeats in life. Just as God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. So does he bring good out of any hardship we face. This is a promise of the Resurrection, provided we have the courage to persevere in faith. My friends, this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad! HAPPY  EASTER TO All OF YOU!!!!

Fr. Dominic 

Your brother in Christ